Taking Staff Portraits? 5 Planning Tips For A Great Result
Business portraits are meant to not only help clients learn more about the people they will be working with, but also to convey a message about your business. So before you bring in a portrait photographer and start lining up your staff for pictures, go over a few basic guidelines to follow. Here are five key ways to get the most from your head shots.
1. Wear Solid Colors
Logos, words, stripes, checks, and other patterns can come out looking bad when photographed and edited for the correct head shot size. Your best bet is to opt for solid colors that aren't too soft nor too loud. Clothes should complement the person's appearance, not serve as an eye-catching distraction. The exception is the strategic use of a company logo on clothing, of course, but think ahead about how it will appear in head shots.
2. Coordinate Attire
Your staff doesn't all need to wear exactly the same outfit, but you should all look harmonious. Consider choosing a base color family that works with your company's branding without being too "matchy" — shades of blue, gray, red, or pastels, for instance. Ask staff to choose their own clothing to fit their style within these color parameters.
3. Choose Your Best Side
Staff should be allowed to choose the best angle from which they want to be photographed. A comfortable, relaxed subject will take a better photo than a stiff and uncomfortable one. Plan for a good mixture of angles among the photos so that no one feels awkward if they prefer the right side and everyone else uses the left. If anyone is self-conscious about an aspect of their appearance, talk with the portrait photographer about ways to make them more comfortable.
4. Wear Normal Accessories
Some people have certain accessories that they always wear or carry. Glasses, for instance, should be worn if the wearer uses them regularly. Leave them out of the picture if you only occasionally slip them on. Does someone always wear a certain necklace, watch, or tie clip? Do they always wear pens in their pocket or a stethoscope around their neck? Small accessories can give the picture more personality and provide a fun ice breaker for client meetings.
5. Check Your Face
Schedule a portrait photo session early in the day so that everyone still looks their best. Everyone should take a moment to clean up before the picture, touching up hair and makeup and removing shine from their faces. Ladies may want to put on at least a little foundation and keep makeup reserved and tasteful so it looks great under the lights. The company does well to provide mirrors, baby wipes, and a little powder to get rid of extra shine on any gender.
By meeting together as a group and planning how to get the best looking and most comfortable business photos, your staff — and your clients — will enjoy the results more.